Welcome to Bedminster Township Recreation! Bedminster Recreation offers programs seasonally for pre-school aged children through adult. Registration can be completed online with a credit card or in-person with a check or cash at Town Hall Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm, or by downloading and mailing in a registration forms.
Current Program Offerings
To view current programs, please click on the "Current Recreation Program Offerings" tab on the left.
Community Service
To view current student community service opportunities, please click on the "
Community Service" tab on the left.
Employment Opportunities
To view current employment opportunities, please click on the "Employment" tab on the left.
Online Registration
Online registration is available through our online registration portal "Community Pass". Users need to set-up a family account by creating a username and password. We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover. To access online registration, please click on the "Online Registration" tab on the left.
Special Needs/Modifications
The Township of Bedminster welcomes everyone to participate in its programs. If you have individualized needs due to a disability, please call the Bedminster Township Recreation Department at (908) 212-7014 and we will gladly arrange reasonable modifications for participation in our programming. Three (3) weeks notice prior to the start of a program is required to ensure that appropriate modifications can be provided.
The Township of Bedminster does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. The Township of Bedminster Administrator having an office at One Miller Lane, Bedminster, NJ has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in section 35.107 of the Department of Justice regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the rights provided thereunder, is available from the Township Administrator.
Tuition Assistance
Tuition assistance is available for Bedminster Residents to participate in most township recreation programs. Please provide a copy of your "Federal Lunch Program Eligibility Form" from the school along with your registration form or call Neil Mastrobuono at (908) 212-7000, ext. 405.
For additional questions please call Neil Mastrobuono in the Recreation Department on (908) 212-7000, Ext. 405 or email nmastrobuono@bedminster.us.