Registration information for the 2025 Farmers Market Season is available for download under the "Registration Information & Forms" tab to the left.
The Bedminster Farmers Market is located at River Road Park, 3055 River Road (intersection of River Road and Route 202/206 South), Bedminster, New Jersey. Opening day is Saturday, May 24 and the season will run through December 6. The market hours are 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Note: The Farmers Market will not be held on October 18, the day of the Far Hills Races.
The Bedminster Township Fall Fest Community Day will be held on Saturday, October 11, which attracts several thousand people to River Road Park with numerous attractions, exhibits, music, games, food trucks, etc. The Farmers Market will be held at the entrance of Fall Fest at River Road Park. Please select the Bedminster Fall Fest Community Day option on the application if you would like to attend the Farmers Market and Fall Fest from 9 AM to 5 PM on Saturday, October 11 (Must be approved for Full Season, Half Season or Pop-Up Date Participation to attend Fall Fest). Also, a Holiday Market will be held on Saturday, December 6, the last day of the market.
For additional questions please call Neil Mastrobuono (908) 212-7000, Ext. 405 or email [email protected].
The Bedminster Farmers Market is dedicated to promoting and encouraging local agriculture by providing a marketplace for quality locally-grown products from independently owned and operated farms. The Bedminster Farmers Market is a forum for residents to appreciate our agricultural community and the importance of maintaining land for agricultural uses. The Bedminster Farmers Market is a family-friendly opportunity to build and maintain a greater sense of community for all of our residents.

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