Melissa Langer - Affordable Housing Manager
[email protected]
(609) 642-4696
Bedminster Township's Affordable Housing Agent is CGP&H, who began with us January 1, 2021, after long time agent BHHC retired. CGP&H stands for Community, Grants, Planning and Housing. They specialize in all aspects of affordable housing, planning, COAH compliance, and the procurement of grants and loans for their clients.
Founded in 1993, CGP&H has grown to be a full service affordable housing implementation company in New Jersey. Seasoned in all facets of community development, CGP&H boasts a team of 19 that includes professional planners, expert grant-writers, COAH certified housing specialists, licensed building inspectors, lead testers, and knowledgeable support staff. Client needs are promptly met with continuity, efficiency and individual attention to detail.
Bedminster residents who are part of the Affordable Housing Program will see no additional fees or costs with CGP&H. Our residents will have greater access to a full team of affordable housing experts. CGP&H has an interactive website that will greatly increase the marketing of available units in Bedminster’s affordable housing program, will streamline the process for qualifying applicants, and will showcase the financial assistance and other programs that Bedminster offers to our residents. Bedminster will form an Affordable Housing Advisory Committee that will meet regularly with CGP&H to review the affordable housing program and to discuss concerns and propose recommendations.
Sharon DeCicco, Executive Director of the Bedminster Hills Housing Corporation (BHHC), will be retiring at the end of 2020 when the BHHC contract with Bedminster Township comes to an end. Bedminster Township would like to thank Ms. DeCicco for her many years of service to the Affordable Housing Program in Bedminster Township.
CGP&H will begin working with BHHC on November 1, 2020 in order to provide a seamless transition between agencies. Again, Bedminster Township thanks Ms. DeCicco and the BHHC and welcomes CGP&H during this period of transition.
CGP&H is the Administrative Agent for more than 2,000 units of affordable housing in 30 municipalities throughout New Jersey. Our comprehensive administrative agent services include virtually all types of affordable housing mechanisms including family units, age restricted units, rental and owner projects, and manufactured homes.
Our in-house affordable housing planning expertise ensures that all units are administered in a manner that maximizes the credits available to municipalities.
The comprehensive affordable housing services provided by CGP&H include:
- Affirmative marketing
- Income qualifying applicants
- Foreclosure prevention
- Enforcement activities
- Pricing of affordable units **
- Market-to-affordable programs
- Accessory apartment programs
- Affordability assistance programs
- COAH monitoring
- Affordable housing ordinances
- Operating manuals
- Deed restrictions
CGP&H will continue to follow the same guidelines for the calculation of a recapture fee as was done by the previous Administrative Agent, BHHC. Please see the listing of acceptable capital items that may be subtracted from a recapture calculation:
List of Acceptable Improvements.pdf
- Our website, AffordableHomesNewJersey.com provides detailed information about all the affordable units we administer. Applicants can find income limits, see current listings, review frequently asked questions, and submit a preliminary application online.
- Each affordable housing applicant receives a link to their personalized Affordable Homes New Jersey Profile where they can join waiting lists, update the information we have on file, and see listings of affordable homes for rent and sale.
If you have additional general questions, you may leave a message at (609) 664-2769 x 5 or email [email protected]. For specific questions, please call Affordable Housing Manager Melissa Langer on (609) 642-4696 or email her at [email protected].
CGP&H has provided the slide show below giving a summary of their services.
CGP&H Administrative Agent for Bedminster.pptx