Brush & Leaf Pickup

Brush Collection

  • Brush collection will begin on the Fourth Monday in April.
  • Residents will be restricted to 1 (one) pile of brush per property – 6’ long x 4’ wide x 2’ high pile of bush.  Piles should be stacked neatly so that all but ends are facing the road edge.  No stumps.
  • If a brush pile exceeds the restricted size the pile will be tagged and left.  It will be the responsibility of the homeowner to dispose of.
  • Residents must have brush a the curb no later than 8:00am of the Fourth Monday in April.
  • The Public Works facility will still be open for brush drop off Monday – Friday 7:30am – 3:00pm.
  • The crew will only collect on streets once.  Any resident who places brush at the curb after the crew has collected from that street, will be responsible for removing their pile.  Please check the Bedminster Township website for an updated list of completed streets.
  • Absolutely no leaves will be picked up during brush collection.
  • Collection will only take place for residents who live on the following roads:  Any residents who live on private roads are prohibited from placing a brush pile on or along a public road.  The Public Works facility is available for drop off Monday – Friday 7:00am – 3:00pm.
For more information, please contact:
Karen Gorman, Administration/DPW Assistant  
(908) 212-7000 Ext. 401

Rt 202 (Somerville Road/Main St.) Clucas Brook Rd.
Lamington Rd. From Rt. 206 to Rt. 202 O'Brien Ct.
Tuttle Ave. Jordanna Ct.
Riverwood Ave. Desiree Ct.
Fairview Drive Sgt. David Stoddard Ct. 
Wildwood Ave. Black River Rd. from Herzog Bridge
Bedminster Terrace to Church
Hillside Ave. Southfield Dr.
Steeplechase Court Union Grove Rd.
Deerhaven Road Lisk Hill Road
Old Dutch Place Longview Rd.
Old Dutch East Daly Rd.
Old Stonehouse Rd. Gatehouse Rd.
Berkshire Ct. Autumn Ridge Rd.
Ski Hill Drive Smoke Rise Rd. and Lane
Oakura Lane Revere Dr.
Fairview Drive Sgt. David Stoddard Court
Cobble Lane (Bedminster section) Stafford Lane (Bedminster section)
White Tail Ln. (Bedminster section)  

Leaf Collection

  • Collection begins on or about the last Monday in October, and will continue through to December 5th.
  • Leaves shall be placed at the edge of the roadway, not in the roadway, to allow free flow of traffic, and must be out for pick up by 8:00am on the fourth Monday in October.
  • Crews will continue to cover roads until piles have been collected, however crews will only cover roads 3 times.  Please check the Bedminster Township website for an updated list of completed roads. www.bedminsterus.
  • Any resident that places leaves at the road edge after November 30th will be tagged and become the responsibility of the resident to remove from the road edge.  The Public Works facility is available for drop off Monday – Friday 7:00am to 3:30pm.
  • Absolutely no brush or sticks are permitted to be added to the leaf pile.  No brush will be picked up during leaf collection.  Piles that consist of leaves and brush will be tagged and left.
  • No leaves shall be left in plastic bags (Recyclable leaf bags are acceptable).
For more information, please contact:
Karen Gorman, Administration/DPW Assistant  
(908) 212-7000 Ext. 401

Collection will only take place on the following streets:

Rr. 202 (Somerville Road/Main St.) Clucas Brook Road
Lamington Rd. from Rt. 206 to Rt. 202 O'Brien Ct.
Tuttle Ave. Jordanna Ct.
Riverwood Ave. Desiree Ct.
Wildwood Ave. Black River Rd. from Herzog Bridge
Bedminster Terrace to Church
Hillside Ave. Southfield Dr.
Steeplechase Court Union Grove Rd.
Deerhaven Road Lisk Hill Road
Old Dutch Place Longview Rd.
Old Dutch East Daly Rd.
Old Stonehouse Rd. Gatehouse Rd.
Berkshire Ct. Autumn Ridge Rd.
Ski Hill Drive Smoke Rise Rd. and Lane
Oakura Lane Revere Dr.
Fairview Dr. Sgt. David Stoddard Ct.
Cobble Lane (Bedminster section) Stafford Lane (Bedminster section)
White Tail Ln. (Bedminster section)  

Special Fall Brush and Leaf drop off ONLY:

  • The Public Works facility will open for a special brush and leaf drop off only.  Residents can bring their brush and leaves to the Public Works facility the third Saturday in November between the hours of 7:00am – 2:00pm.
  • NO LANDSCAPERS will be permitted to drop off brush or leaves at the facility.

Severe weather situations:

  • As a result of extreme weather conditions the Township will evaluate the need to do a Township wide brush collection.  If it is deemed necessary to have a collection, the specific information will be posted on the township website.

Christmas Tree collection:

  • Residents are welcome to drop off their Christmas trees to the Public Works facility Monday – Friday between the hours of 7:30am – 3:00pm.